Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Gambar DP BBM Kata Kata Selamat Lebaran Idul Fitri 1436

Gambar DP BBM Kata Kata Selamat Lebaran Idul Fitri 1436 - Setelah berhasil melalui bulan suci ramadhan, dimana pada bulan ramadhan tersebut kita diwajibkan untuk berpuasa dan menahan nafsu. Kini tiba saatnya kita menyambut hari Idul Fitri 1436 Hijriyah. Sebelumnya saya sebagai admin blog mengucapkan “ Mohon maaf lahir dan batin” Selamat merayakan hari lebaran, marilah kita saling bermaafan dihari yang indah ini semoga dihari kemenangan ini dosa-dosa yang telah kita perbuat terhapuslah sudah dan amal ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah SWT, Amiiinnnn.

Hari Idul Fitri adalah hari besar umat Islam dimana umat islam merayakan hari kemenangan setelah berpuasa, menahan nafsu dan cobaan selama sebulan penuh. Bagi para sahabat yang ingin membagikan gambar kata kata selamat hari lebaran kepada pacar atau teman yang jauh disana, saya akan membagikan gambar dp bbm selamat hari raya idul fitri. Silahkan sahabat lihat gambar dp bbm selamat idul fitri bergerak dibawah ini :

DP BBM Selamat Lebaran Idul Fitri 1436

Lihat juga  Dp BBM Selamat Berbuka Puasa

Semoga kumpulan dp bbm selamat lebaran bergerak diatas dapat bermanfaat dan juga menambah koleksi dp bbm sahabat, silahkan dibagikan artikel ini ke teman-teman kita yang lainnya. Salam hangat dari admin blog hadirkanlah.

Download WWE All Stars Game For PC Full Version

WWE All Stars Game Download

WWE All Stars is a wrestling installment and this is the only version that is different from all others. Previously in the wrestling category I uploaded WWE 2k14 and if you want to download WWE 2k14 for PC, then please move toward this page. So this installment is the 5th in wrestling series and it is totally different from all others. Now you will say that how it is different, then let me clear you, I will show you some screenshots of this installment and then you will understand how different it is.

WWE All Stars PC Game Screenshots

WWE All Stars Full Version
You can see this screenshot, feel the difference. Graphics and screenshot system is very change, the characters are cartoon type and you can see yourself how Big Show is beating Rey Mysterio. Big Show has beaten him a punch and Rey Mysterio is falling down while in air, whereas in other wrestling installments, this doesn't happens.
WWE All Stars Kickass Download
This match is between Triple H and Big Lou, you can see in this match that Triple H is grappling from downside and he will easily defeat this Big Lou by using his Finisher move. Do you know what finisher move is? If not, then don't worry I will explain it in next paragraph.
WWE All Stars Setup Download
This is the screenshot of Rock and John Cena, you can see how Rock is beating Rock Bottom to John Cena, Rock Bottom is the finishing move of this character and he is flying while doing his finishing move. These are some cool scenes that I like very much in this installment.

How To Install?

This is a Play Station 2 emulator file and I cannot help you in article, I've arranged a video for you that will teach you how to install this game and play on PC, so watch that video and you will understand the installation process.

System Requirements

Operating System (OS) = Windows XP, Windows 7+8 and Windows Vista 32 and 64 Bit
Ram (Random Access Memory) = 1 GB
Total Disk Space Required = 2 GB
Video Memory (VGA Card) = 256 MB

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